

Want the truth? I'm lazy. I'm selfish. I haven't had the time to even think about posting coupon deals because I swear since April we have been in and out of town every waking moment and I'm lucky if I get to shower once a week every other day.

Between holidays, birthdays and my brothers recent wedding July 11, we have either been out of town or had family in town that drives me crazy that we enjoy very much, but it's been super insane around here and this has been the last thing on my mind.

I'm sorry.

But the good news is things should be slowing down....HAHAHAHAHA!

Who am I kidding?!? Things are never slow or boring or go-with-the-flow around here. At least we should be in town for the next 7 days. Well, that is unless when my husband gets up in a few hours he doesn't decide he wants to hop in the car "Mummy Hummy" and head somewhere. To a beach. With beatiful sand. Plenty of sunshine. and LOTS and LOTS of margaritas quality time together.

But that's highly unlikely, so I will say with 99% certainty that we will be here for the next 7 days AT LEAST.

On the other hand, I don't know if THIS blog will be.

Let me clarify.

When I started this I was all over the place. All the ideas I had going thru my head had my wheels turning with so many things I wanted this blog to be. I didn't know exactly where to begin so I started with the weight loss journey turned couponing, and although I still love both of those parts of my life, I want this to be so much more. There is a part of me that needs more. I feel that all these trials and triumphs I've experienced in my life were meant for a real purpose and for as long as I can remember I haven't been able to figure out what that purpose is....

It's this. It's me. It's me sharing my life. My story. My words. My writing. With whoever will listen and read it. I'm no professional author. Heck, my five year old can write better than me most of my friends can write better than me, but God didn't put them here for that, but I truly feel He put me here for it.

So I know this has been a complete mess work in progress and has taken many twists and turns along the way, but I hope you guys will hang on and enjoy the ride because I can only pray it will eventually be all that I picture in my head. I have been working on ideas, changes, new aspects for a while now and it feels like they are starting to come together. I am not leaving the writing/blogging world by any means, I'm just taking it to the next step......

Stay tuned for what I've been busy messing up working on and I hope you guys will continue to follow me on this new path I really feel God is leading me down. For the first time in a long time, if not ever, I feel right. I feel like I'm at the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time and I'm doing the RIGHT thing. It feels great and I'm so excited.

And don't fret, I WILL still be journaling my weight loss (as well as others -- any of you customers reading who are willing to share your story with pictures, please contact me so I can share your success with everyone) selling the miracle pill diet pills, and sharing my couponing tips and other ways to save money, but I'm gonna do it MY way. More importantly, there will be SOOO much more than just those things. There will be something for everyone. I hope you guys will pretend to be be as happy with all the things I hope to offer as I am.

But before I go, I need your help. I'm really struggling with a tagline. You would think if I'm a writing pro wanna-be writer I would be able to come up with my own stuff, but I can't..... so that's where you come in. I need you guys to help me think of something clever. Catchy. Even refer me to sites you enjoy and like that you remember so I can bounce off their brains. I want something memorable and something that makes you laugh or touches your heart. Something for anyone that would read it that they can relate to. Something about LIFE and all the pieces of it. How every part of your life affects the other side and there is no denying it.

Does any of this make sense?!?

Depending on the responses I get for ideas, if there are enough of you guys who respond and refer NEW people to follow me I *MIGHT* just do a give-away! I'm not sure of the prize yet, but it could be something like:

*The Couponizer*
To help all you newbies get organized!

*Coupon Inserts*
To help you guys get started!

*Or your choice of a $20 gift card to the store of your choice*
These are just a few samples of great places to start your couponing!

BUT in order to MAYBE win the MAYBE giveaway, I MIGHT do, you MIGHT want to follow THESE rules to be entered in the giveaway:

1. Click FOLLOW ME on the right hand side of the page AND leave a comment with a suggestion about my tagline, or just to make me feel good about myself you can leave a comment telling me how beautiful and awesome I am! =) --this will earn you ONE entry *if you already follow me, just mention that in your comment, or if you do not have an account to FOLLOW me, just let me know you are reading this blog*

2. Blog about it on your own blog and link back to refer new people to my site, then come back and let me know you did this --this will earn you a SECOND entry

3. If you get 3 people to comment and say YOU sent them when they tell me how much they love me -- this will earn you a THIRD entry.

But remember, this is only a MAYBE contest that I MIGHT do, so who knows when I MIGHT decide to END it. It MIGHT just be NEXT friday, JULY 31st, but that's only a MAYBE.


Keep in mind, the more people you send me and the more people that take place in this, I MIGHT decide to do more than just ONE grand prize winner!

Who knows!

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