

Hey guys!! Well I'm so excited to share with you all my new plans for Lil' Bits of Life!!

For a while now I've been wanting to make this blog so much more than just showing pictures of my weight loss. At first, my only reason for starting this was to "chart" my progress and give others the proof they needed to see that what I was taking/selling works, but since losing the weight, I've gained so much more.

I've gained confidence I've never had before. I've gained faith in myself and Our Lord that I didn't know exsisted. I've gained respect for myself in ways I didn't think I deserved. I've gained a whole new outlook on this life I live and I'm lovin' every minute of it!!!

I've realized it's all about the "little things" and that those things are what make the "big things" matter. So here I am -- sharing my lessons on all the "Lil' Bits of Life!"

I hope I can do this blog justice and really help any and all of you see what you might be missing in your own life. I hope I can use this to speak to whomever wants/needs to read this and in any way possible, help you learn to love whatever "little thing" in your life you might be ignoring.

My plan is to keep selling the diet pills to help those of you who are looking for your "last resort" to losing those extra pounds that you just can't get off. I know what that's like. I've been there and I want to help you get here.

I plan to share my *steals and deals* every week for shopping, saving money, making money and getting TONS of FREE stuff. Put it this way, you might think you're doing pretty good by living on a budget, putting so much money aside each month, etc, but if you are paying for toothpaste -- you've still got a lot to learn! =)

I plan to advertise new products or companies and show you guys when and how to get the best of the best, at a price you can afford. Buying a car or buying a CD.... I want to show you where to go, how to do it and give you the peace of mind you need to know you got the best deal out there.

Since I know most of the people that read this are girls/women, of course this will be directed more towards women, but men are always welcome. I will share secrets for men to learn how to understand theirs wives and how to make sure their wife is always happy and never naggy..... HA! Who am I kidding? That's not possible.... even me, a female, can admit that....lol. But seriously, I plan to help the guys out there in any way I can so please feel free to comment or email with any question you might have.

Well guys, there is so much that needs to be said, but before I can do all that, I need to get busy on getting the changes underway. I really hope you all will help me out by clicking FOLLOW ME and letting your friends and family know about my new PLAN. I truly appreciate all the love and support from you all....

Thank you for giving me the extra push I've needed to move forward and finally follow my heart. This really is something I've been thinking about doing for a very long time and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to take two things I love the most (writing and helping people) and do something meaningful with them.

Every Lil' Bit counts.... now let me show you how every Lil' Bit matters!

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