How many of you have kiddos? How many of you have kiddos that drink or like juice boxes? Oh, they like to squeeze them EVERYWHERE for you to clean up?!? Aw, I'm sorry -- mine would NEVER do something like that ;)
Anyway --out of those of you who have children that actually like to DRINK them, how many of you actually buy them? If you can answer yes to the last question, you just took away my chances of winning "mom of the year award" because before now, there was NO way I was paying $4+ for juice in a box when I can pour the SAME juice into a cup for less than $1!
Since I'm the overly-nice-person that I am, I'll give you the best kept secret on juice boxes -- seriously, this makes me love stupid people, and I don't say that to be mean. Really, I love people that make stupid mistakes -- especially when I can benefit from their "whoops" moment!
But before I tell you, you must agree to my terms:
1) Don't be greedy! ok--well, be greedy! If you find them, take them! Take them ALL and laugh the whole way out of the store.
2)When you find them, you must take a picture and email me with your stash of strolen golden juice boxes!
3)Everytime you give one to your kids and they say thank you (because mine NEVER forget to tell me thank you!
Okay.... OKAY I'm getting to it.... No need to rush me people -- Introducing --

Ok, there I told you! You're welcome....
Just kidding! ;) Alright, so take a closer look.... you see in the left hand corner how it says "2 more boxes" meaning there are 10 in the pack? If you are like me, who doesn't buy juice boxes (until now!) you wouldn't know that this was not right/normal. Actually, you would probably walk right by them thinking they look just like all the other packs -- but you'd be missing a huge steal!
These brand (only!) are sold in 15 packs! Not 10 (well, except for the minute maid orange juice flavor which ARE sold in 10 packs)!!! Yes folks, if you can find Minute Maid 10 packs of Apple Juice, Fruit Punch, Grape or Lemonade, you have hit the
Let me explain. These are normally around $4-$5 a pack (15 pack) at TARGET. Seems normal (when you price out other brands as well), but Target occassionally has employees (THANK GOODNESS) that doesn't pay attention to what they are doing and stocks the FOOD COURT juice box packs on the shelf!! WOO HOO!! When this happens you get 10 juice boxes for -- $.69!
Yes, that's right.... $.69 will buy you not ONE (like the SINGLE boxes at the FOOD COURT at TARGET) but TEN juice boxes!
These 10 packs are supposed to be sold individually for $.69, but as we all used to say when we were kids "FINDERS KEEPERS, LOSERS WEEPERS!"
To make things better, Target ALSO carries these (sorry I forgot to rotate the pic and I don't feel like fixing it at the moment):

Which is their brand of juice boxes. These come in 8 packs (always!), but the catch is -- once again-- these are supposed to be sold for $.59 EACH.... instead you will get all 8 for the price of one!
So how can you tell which is which with the Target brand? It's a little harder, but once you find a pack, you understand what all this means.
Each 8 pack is wrapped in plastic. Inside the plastic is a cardboard wrapper as well (that looks just like the front of the juice boxes pretty much) Similiar to the wrapper around the Minute Maid boxes pictured above. The package of Target Juice in the picture does NOT have a paper wrapper. THAT, my friends, is KEY!
Sometimes it's easier to look at the back, that looks like this:

or the side at the bar codes. You'll recognize the difference when you see them.... trust me!
From everything I know, if you find them, Target must sell them to you for the price they ring up! It's their mistake and as far as THEY know, you are just an innocent customer who got lucky! ;)
So there ya have it.... I couldn't keep it a secret anymore! I felt it was time for me to share another little tid bit about why I love me some Target shopping!! Now, have fun in the hunt for juice boxes! And even for those of you without kiddos or kiddos that don't drink juice boxes.... I dare you to come back here and tell me you haven't even looked to see if you can find them. It's one of those "things" that you just can't resist.... even if you don't want/need them!
Face it -- we are all suckers for a good
1 comment:
I can not find these at ANY of my Targets! Ugh!
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