
"Live the life you love, love the life you live"

My meaning and purpose behind having this blog is for women and girls to have a place to come and relate. To read others stories on what might be going on in their life and find a place they feel someone understands.

Being a stay at home mom with a husband who works sometimes up to 70 hours a week means I have very little adult conversation in my life. I get lonely and bored and aggravated and upset just like the rest of you. I get down on myself and feel worthless and question what am I doing here?!? But I also know that I am a person, a woman, a mom, a wife, a daughter and friend and deserve to love myself and feel as important as the next person.

For many years I have wanted to write a book. I have ideas go through my mind all the time and I have started that book over and over again thru the years, but with the rest of my life being my top priority, I always end up abandoning the book I've tried so hard to begin. Now, I feel this is what I'm supposed to do. Of course, I still hope to write a book eventually, but at this moment, this is what feels right.

So taking my ideas for my book, I'm going to apply them here, but instead of it just being from my mouth, it will be from others as well, including you (I hope). I want anyone/everyone to feel comfortable to share their stories, struggles, triumphs, experiences and anything else that they may feel. I want this to be a safe haven for all of us women to feel at ease and comfortable.

Which brings me to why I started this blog. Like I said in a previous post, I feel like doing this has turned my life around in many ways. Now finally feeling like I've succeeded at something (losing weight) and didn't just fall flat on my face like I always do, I feel empowered. I feel able and excited to change all the things I've wanted to for so long now, but have been putting off for fear of once again failing at one more thing. For the first time that I can remember, if not ever, I feel that I'm becoming this person I've always wanted to be, but didn't know how. I feel secure, confident, happy, content and loved. I absolutely can say I love every little thing about my life. Not that I didn't love my life before now, I just feel now I can apprecaite it in a way I didn't before.

I'm a happier mom for my kids, a more pleasant wife for my husband, a better listener and shoulder to cry on for my friends and I hope to be an inspiration to women trying to change something in their own life. I want people to read my story, as simple as it is, and feel urged to follow in my footsteps, or better yet, start a path of their own. Working towards changing whatever it may be that brings them down in their life.

Lil' Bits of Life will be just that... sharing all the little things in life that seems so small people forget that even they matter. The way you look, the way you live, the way you eat, the way you come accross to people, the way you treat others and the way you appreciate the people and things in your life. So many of us get so caught up in the everyday things in life that we forget to "stop and smell the roses." I hope to use this to bring us back to what really matters in life. Faith, Family and Friends.

Once you learn to love and appreciate yourself, everything else starts to fall into place and life becomes easy again. I want to get us all there. I want to be your shoulder to cry on, your ear to listen, your encouraging friend who never gives up on you. Please allow me to do this for you.

I hope you all choose to follow me in this journey and maybe somewhere down the road, you'll find your life is starting to look a little like what you thought it would be. Hopefully you'll rediscover what the true meaning of life and love is and realize how beautiful everyday can be. More than anything, I hope every "lil bit of your life" becomes your dream come true.

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